Friday, April 20, 2007

Healthy Anger

Introduction, anger is a natural part of human nature. Anger has a lot of energy. It can get things done.

Healthy anger is appropriate to the event.
Healthy anger is short, not lasting a long time.
Unhealthy anger is destructive to our relationships.
Unhealthy anger has too much self referencing included with it.

Not feeding the emotion of anger with self-referencing thoughts.
Keep the mind interested, in watching all the thought that arise.
'Feel the Feeling', physical sensations of anger (heat, tightness).
Do not feed the feeling more unhealthy self referencing thoughts.

Calmly remember what caused the emotion of anger to arise.
What memories made it stronger?
What thoughts made it stronger?
Are they helpful?

Letting go:
Feel and honour the feelings/sensations of anger in the body.
Stop adding more unhelpful/unskillful thoughts/images to it.
Then just 'let it go'

Set a wise intention, on how to work with this event the next time.

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